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Wireless People Counters with remote viewing - Installation and operation guide
Last Updated 8 years ago

The attached installation and operation guide provides detailed specifications of the wireless people counters, installation process and operating manual. (Download the PDF from the file at the bottom of the page).

For the USB Stick People Counter refer the article
For the Display Only People Counters refer to article
For the Micro Display Only People Counters refer to article

Topics covered in the guide include:

Overview – PRx20W1 – PTx20-1 (Bi-directional)
Overview – PRx10W1 – PTx10-1 (Uni-directional)
Installation of Wireless Counters
Overview –Sensor Network Gateway (SNG10E)
SNG10E Specifications
Overview - SensorServer Software
Software Contents
Minimum system requirements
Download and install SensorServer Software
Network Firewall (Windows Firewall)
Sensor Network Gateway (SNG10E) Configuration – First time setup
Sensor Network Gateway (SNG10E) – Network Connection
Sensor Location Validation
EasyReports application
- Location Management
- Tools
- CSV Export
- Location list
- Location Page
- SensorWebserver port configuration
- Windows Firewall
- Backup

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