Frequently Asked Question
Is it possible for the graphing to show the sum of all sensors counting in one particular space?
Last Updated 7 years ago
You can manually create a new Position Code/Name and then select the room sensors to be linked to that Position.This is achieved in CentralManagement -> Location.
A movie has been created to guide you through the steps to set this up in CentralManagement:
As you only adding an additional position for custom purposes, it will not affect your current configuration. A position always shows the accumulated counts of the sensors which are linked to it.
In EasyReports the newly created position becomes available and from there you can select the different overviews and graphs.
A movie has been created to guide you through the steps to set this up in CentralManagement:
As you only adding an additional position for custom purposes, it will not affect your current configuration. A position always shows the accumulated counts of the sensors which are linked to it.
In EasyReports the newly created position becomes available and from there you can select the different overviews and graphs.