Frequently Asked Question

USB Counter time stamp is offset by a couple of hours – is there a way to reset the clock so the time of day is correct?
Last Updated 5 years ago

Hopefully you still have the USB connector cable (mini USB at one end & standard USB on the other) - If not, we can arrange to send you one.

Download and extract to your PC/laptop the following file:

Open the 'USB_Sensor Test' folder and then double-click the 'SensorTest' application


Now connect the USB Receiver with the USB connector cable


IMPORTANT: ONLY PRESS THE "GET CLOCK" & "SET CLOCK" BUTTONS AS DESCRIBED BELOW. Pressing the other buttons on this application may cause other unwanted issues.

Press the 'Get Clock' first - Check that the date retrieved is correct - do not worry about the time stamp as this is based on UTC timezone. (You can press the 'Get Clock' as many times as you like)


Next, Press the 'Set Clock' to reset the time on the USB Counter. (You can press the 'Set Clock' as many times as you like)


Disconnect the USB Receiver.

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